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Bures boahtin![rievdat wikiteavsttain]

  Hei, Frhdkazan, ja bures boahtin ráhkadit sámegiel Wikipedia!

Lea hui dehálaš ja suohtas, ahte maid don hálidat leat mielde. Jeara fal, jos dus leat jearaldagat. Lea somá go beroštat Wikipedias maiddái sámegillii.

Wikipedia oanehaččat[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

OzaÁigeguovdilRáhkat ođđa siidduLogge sisaLogge olggosBuot siiddutOđđa siiddutStatistihkatGáffestohpuOvttasbargoartihkalArtihkalsávaldagatVuođđoartihkkalatSummal siiduVaras rievdadusat

-Yupik (ságastallan) golggotmánu 4 b. 2019 dii. 21.14 (UTC)

Language templates on se-wiki[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Dearvva! Our language templates on this wiki are located at Málle:G-<langcode>, so the English one is Málle:G-en. Should the ones you created be redirected or can you just use our version directly? -Yupik (ságastallan) golggotmánu 4 b. 2019 dii. 21.14 (UTC)

Сәләм (Selam) Yupik! I will need the {{lang-en}} type shorter syntax for all langcode templates, as a part of a more complex template {{Olbmuid}} that I am currently working on. This is to make your Main Page and individuals related articles look like those of vep: - for more details, see m:Wikimedia Language Diversity/Sustainability/Wikipedias/Calendar. If you prefer to avoid even limited duplication at this demonstration stage, feel free to copy the syntax into {{G-en}} & have a redirect placed. Regards, --Frhdkazan (ságastallan) golggotmánu 5 b. 2019 dii. 8.09 (UTC)
Dear Yupik, I would also appreciate if you can find time to help me with translating into Northern Saami "Picture of the day" for {{Potd}} & "Multimedia of the day" for {{Motd}}. Thank you.--Frhdkazan (ságastallan) golggotmánu 5 b. 2019 dii. 8.14 (UTC)
Will do at some point in time, but I probably will not be able to any time soon, sorry. -Yupik (ságastallan) golggotmánu 5 b. 2019 dii. 19.47 (UTC)

Moved the template Olbmuid to Olmmoš[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Сәләм! I moved the template Olbmuid to Olmmoš to correct the grammatical number and case of the word being used. I'll try to fix all the articles that Málle:Olbmuid was in before I go to sleep tonight. -Yupik (ságastallan) golggotmánu 5 b. 2019 dii. 19.47 (UTC)

Thank you, Yupik. I can also do that tomorrow myself. --Frhdkazan (ságastallan) golggotmánu 5 b. 2019 dii. 19.51 (UTC)
Great, thanks! -Yupik (ságastallan) golggotmánu 5 b. 2019 dii. 19.55 (UTC)

A couple of things to be fixed[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

When someone has more than one ethnicity, they are connected by the Russian и. And if we only know the year someone was born, then it shows b. YYYY; it should be showing j. YYYY (j=jagi, which is the genetive form of jahki). The b. is the abbreviation of beaivvi, the genetive form for 'day', which is used after the DD part of a date. The last one, which shows in Marja Helander's article, for instance: the age of the person in question shows with an extra space (54 ) instead of (54). I couldn't figure out where these probs were unfortunately so I have to ask you :). Also if you'd like to get the templates translated faster, Trond 1, Trond 2, and SámiTranslator are the people on this wiki right now who know Northern Saami besides me. -Yupik (ságastallan) golggotmánu 6 b. 2019 dii. 21.16 (UTC)

document where the modules/templates are coming from[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Hi, it would be helpful if you would document somehow where the module is coming from (ie. is it from ruwiki, enwiki, frwiki etc). You could do it just by adding a permalink to the modules help page or talk page or just to edit a comment. Anyway thanks for the good work. --Zache (ságastallan) golggotmánu 8 b. 2019 dii. 11.15 (UTC)

Dear Zache, original source is shown here, linked to from Wikipedia:Kaleandar. For {{Olmmoš}}, which is a mix of enWP & ruWP approaches, I am documenting edits as I go. Regards, --Frhdkazan (ságastallan) golggotmánu 8 b. 2019 dii. 12.25 (UTC)
Thank you --Zache (ságastallan) golggotmánu 8 b. 2019 dii. 12.34 (UTC)

Kategoriija:Riegádeamit[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

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Kategoriija:Jápmimat[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Mánotbadji Kategoriija:Jápmimat
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